p If you are looking for Eksperyment guitar chords, you've come to the right place. You can play Eksperyment by Hey using guitar or guitar. This song by Hey can also be played by that instruments. =/p p Eksperyment guitar chords has rhythm and included in Fire (1993) album. You can also find another musical genres, including jazz guitar chords, country music guitar chords, pop guitar chords, world music guitar chords, and rock guitar chords here. /p h3Eksperyment by Hey Guitar Chords/h3 HEYbrEksperymentbrbrbrPrzeprowadzmy maly sprawdzian | E | D A |brWytrzymalosci duszy na bol | E | A H |brPozwol mi sie przekonac | E | D A |brJak wiele cierpienia potrafisz zniesc | E | A H |brbrLecz nawet w chwilach tak okrutnych | c# | c# |brPamietaj, ze nic sie nie zmienia | H | A |brZe kiedy upokarzam Cie | c# | c# |brRobie to, by bardziej Cie kochac | H | A |brbrNie ufaj ludziom, ktorzy ciaglebrGlaskaja Cie, sciagaja czapkibrOni nie dadza Ci tegobrCo moge dac Ci tylko jabrbrTeraz pojde z innym mezczyznabrPotem zapytam co wtedy czulesbrA pozniej wyznam publiczniebrZe Twoje uczucie nic dla mnie nie znaczybrbrLecz nawet....brbrNie ufaj....brbr,d#bbr##### ,.brt#### d##bbr)###I ####br,w[####(]########[####]######bwwwwwwd####b. ,odbbr##############################b. ,d####br`^####~~~~####~~^^^^^^^^^~~#####b d######br#### #### ,d#######im,`############bri### ####b ######~~^####`###########brI### `####b `####boo###' ~^#^' i##Pbr#### `###b, `^###b, t##(brV### `###b `^###b, ###(br^## `### `^###b, ###(br~ ~^ `^### ####br~ t##Pbr##'brt#brP p If you want to learn Hey Eksperyment guitar chords, The 5 chords we'll look at are the C major, A major, G major, E major, and D major. The reason we use all major chords is that the minor versions of any of these chords just require tiny adjustments. Each one of those minor chords is completely based on its major counterpart /p p The more you practice, the easier guitar will feel to play Eksperyment. Guitar is hard to learn in the beginning, but gets easier the longer you stick with it. /p